
Friday, September 20, 2013

Belgium - Week 30 (Brussels)


Hello family and friends,

Well I received some very bitter sweet news last night. I got a call from President Poznanski around 9 pm and he told me I would be leaving Strombeek to work in a new area with a new companion next transfer. Turns out I will be serving in................ Liège Belgium! Haha pretty crazy right? I'm not moving too far away from Strombeek; but now I'll be in the southern part of the country instead of the center. At the end of my stay in Liège I will most likely have spent more time in Belgium than in France. I'm super pumped! 

My new companion is going to be Elder Anthony Aleccia. I don't know anything about him yet, but I'm super excited to get to know him and get to work in Liège. Turns out I am also going to be a Zone Leader there which is pretty crazy. I definitely wasn't expecting that call considering I'm only in my 6th transfer, but I'm sure Elder Aleccia is a great guy and will show me the ropes. Pretty exciting!

Like I said though, the news was pretty bitter sweet. I'm going to miss Strombeek. Elder Player and I worked really hard here for the past 12 weeks and we've seen a lot of success and created a lot of great relationships with our investigators and the members here. Since we white-washed in Elder Player and I can look back at everything that has happened and everyone we have met and we can recognize the hand of the Lord in our work. 

Like I was able to say when I left Saint Brieuc... I feel like I can look back on my stay in Strombeek with no regrets. I did my best! Strombeek and the people who live here will have a place in my heart for the rest of my life. 

Even though I have to leave, I know Strombeek will be in good hands. Elder Player will at least be staying another 6 weeks so I know he'll take good care of the people here. Elder Wood will be staying in Strombeek as well and he'll be training a new missionary. And Elder Wilson is going to Versailles so he is really excited about that! Everyone is really excited. They are all such awesome missionaries! 

Sorry I wasn't really able to explain what happened during this week. You'll just have to take my word for it when I say it was another week full of miracles. We taught lots of lessons, found 3 new investigators, had a bunch of people at church for stake conference, saw Bishop Davies the General authority who was there to speak to us (everyone asked if I was related to him!). 

I love this work! Have a great week everyone!
Elder Davis

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1. Crepe fete!! Yeah mom, I made all those, you'd be proud! I think there were about 80 and not even the entire district of 8 missionaries could eat them all. This is in a church building in Louise which is in our stake. We had district meeting there every Tuesday. 
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2. At the end of each transfer we take district pictures and hold up the amount of transfers we've completed. 5/16 already in the books.... unbelievable
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3. We are teaching a Canadian guy named mike who works on the computers for the world trade center here in Brussels. you can see the WTC sign at the top. Mike is scheduled to get baptized next month!

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