
Monday, August 5, 2013

Belgium - Week 22 (Brussels)


Hello everyone!
Hope life is treating you well and summer isn't passing you by too fast. Its so great to hear from you guys and to hear about everyone getting mission calls/starting their missions!
This week has been super good; full of interesting experiences like always. Where too start... 
Well the other day Elder Player and I got a call from the sister missionaries in our area. They said they had an investigator who really wanted a priesthood blessing. As we were on a metro on our way to meet the sister missionaries we received a text that explained the reason why we were giving the blessing. Apparently the sisters investigator thought that herself and her house were possessed or otherwise somehow effected by black magic. When we got to her house we talked to her to get to know her and her situation a little bit better, then Elder Player and I gave her a blessing. It was definitely a really weird situation going into it, but it turned out to be really cool and spiritual. We gave her a priesthood blessing of comfort and counsel and the spirit was super strong when we left. super cool experience. 
We did a lot of service this week and taught a lot of cool lessons. We had one lesson this week with Kingsly and Marseila an awesome couple who are living together, but aren't married. They really want to be baptized, but the rule in the church is that they can't be baptized unless they get married or stop living together. We taught them the law of chastity and the lesson went super well. they accepted everything and then said they want to get married ASAP so they can keep the commandments and get baptized. They have so much faith and such awesome desires to follow Christ and keep the commandments.
They told us that they would get married "tomorrow if it were possible." They then asked for our help to somehow figure out a way to get them married. The laws and customs here in Belgium are different for weddings than in America, but we are going to try to get them married soon so they can get baptized!
Lets see, what else happened this week... We taught a lesson to a guy who we later found out was the leader of a small gang. That turned out to be super interesting. We aren't going to teach him anymore obviously, but now he thinks we're good friends so whenever he or people in his gang see us walking around the city (which is often) they always wave to us haha. 
We did lots of service this past week and the sister missionaries had a baptism Saturday so that was super cool. One of our investigators is getting baptized this Saturday too so pray that everything will go well with that!
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support! talk to you next week!
Elder Davis
#1 Tie collection growing at an alarming rate!
#2 Biggest catholic church in Belgium. We run around it when we go running; it is right by our apartment‏
#3 Me with Elder Player, my 'BLUE'. This is his first day in the field when I picked him up from Paris.

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