
Monday, August 26, 2013

Belgium - Week 26 (Brussels)

Hey everyone,
This weeks email might be a little on the short side. It was kind of a rough week. Nothing super terrible happened, but we didn't really have a ton of success either. With us getting to the end of the summer everyone here in Europe is trying to squeeze in their last minute vacations so everyone was out of town and we weren't able to visit many of our investigators. That's life though! We still did our best to find new investigators and the Lord blessed us. We found a couple awesome guys who we have since started teaching. We gave them each a tour of the church the other day and I was able to put my piano skills to the test. During the tour, in the chapel, I played some hymns so they could hear what the music sounds like. It really invited the spirit. Super cool experience. 
Despite not teaching a lot of lessons, we got to try doing some new things. We took a young man from our church (Raphael Wendo, 16 years old) out with us for an evening of missionary work. We were originally going to have a couple lessons, but the lessons fell through. So instead we knocked on some doors and talked to people on the street about the gospel. Of course we do this day in and day out as missionaries, but this was Raphael's first time so it was really cool. He was such a stud! I was very impressed with his boldness and desire to help us out. We've been doing lots of things with the young men in our area to keep them involved with missionary work which has been really fun for us and for them. 
All of you young men at home 16 and older.... ask the missionaries in your ward if you can hang out with them one night and help them teach/find. you will learn a lot and have a ton of fun. 

Until next week!
Elder Davis

Me with Raphael Wendo and wool 16 year old priest we took out on Wednesday. he's tall, but he's a gentle giant. Nice view of some Belgium apartments too‏

Brother Frakin. An old Belg member that took us to lunch on Friday. He's missing his left arm from the elbow down so his stub is on my back haha.

Elders Wood and Wilson made me a cake for my birthday!!! Wilson left, Wood right.

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