
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Belgium - Week 44 (Liege)

Hey Everyone!
Can't believe it's almost Christmas! 
We had a super crazy week! We went to Versailles for a Christmas conference which was a ton of fun. I also went on an exchange with Elder Mahieu who is a missionary from the south of France. I love working with French people..... their accents are so great! I could listen to Elder Mahieu or President Poznanski speak all day long haha. 

This past week also hit my year mark. I'm officially "over the hill" now haha. Crazy to think that its already been over a year since I first started wearing this name tag. 

The only thing crazier than the fact that I've already been on my mission for a year is the fact that its now been over 365 days in row that I've woke up at 6:30 and shaved... every single day without fail haha. I never would have thought I'd be able to do that, but hey, miracles happen :)

So with it being Christmas time, we as a mission have been doing everything we can to make the most of his special time of year to find people to teach. President Poznanski presented a "Christmas finding method" that we've put into practice. 

What we do is we knock on doors (like always) and we ask people if we can enter their homes and sing/pray with them and their families to invite the spirit of Christmas into their home. It's been really successful and we've seen a lot of miracles. What a cool opportunity. Never in my life would I have ever guessed that I would spend Christmas 2013 walking around Belgium neighborhoods and asking people if I could sing them Christmas hymns in French.... but hey, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. 

One of the sister missionaries in our mission had to have surgery this past week. Apparently she had (I don't know how to say it in English) some type of brain tumor/cyst thing. She had to have surgery and everything. It was a really cool experience because President Poznanski asked for all 260 missionaries to pray for her in our companionships. I was so great! We have such awesome unity in our mission! I love being a missionary and being a part of the France Paris Mission. If anything bad happens to any of us, you pretty much automatically have 260 other people praying for you. 

The sister missionary's surgery went perfectly and her brain scans and everything turned out perfect. Donc, voila... another Christmas miracle!

This truly is a special time of the year. I'm thankful that I get to help others focus more on the Savior as we celebrate His birth this Christmas. My invitation to you all is that you take the time to do something for someone else this Christmas and share your testimony of the birth of Christ. That's really what it's all about after all :)
I love you guys, 
Elder Davis

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