
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Belgium - Week 48 (Liege)

Hello there everyone!
Well I guess I wont beat around the bush.... I'll start out with the big news. I found out this morning that after 18 weeks full of fun experiences and miracles that I will be leaving Liège :(. It's been such an awesome ride. I truly enjoyed every second I was able to spend in this wonderful city and the wonderful country of Beligum. I've served in Belgium (Strombeek/Brussels and Liège) since June so I definitely spent a good chunk of my mission here and I'll leave behind a good chunk of my heart here too. 
Turns out I will be leaving Liège to serve in Paris France! I'll be serving in the northern portion of Paris with Elder Haden Hatch who is a really cool guy who I've already been able to talk to a couple of times. I'm so excited, Paris is going to be awesome!!!! Serving in Paris means I'll have "Paris Pdays" which means that every Monday I'll be able to take some time to see the Eiffel Tower and the Loeuvre and cool stuff like that! 
It's been a while since I've served in France so I'm excited and kind of nervous because I'm going to have to re-learn how to speak Parisian french and forget Belge french ;) haha. It's actually not that different but it's a different accent and they use words in Belgium that they don't use in France. It'll be interesting 
Oh this week I got to go to Luxembourg!!!! Elder Pilling had to go to Nancy to pick up some of his legality stuff so we went from Liege, to Lux to Nancy and then back again in the same day. We traveled through 3 different countries in one day...not bad!
Ismael got baptized yesterday here in liege which was awesome! He was one of the investigators of the other elders that serve here but it was super cool to see him get baptized! He's an awesome guy. 
This week was just super awewsome, except at the end of the week we hadn't found any new investigators. It was sunday night and we had 12 minutes left to do "finding". We decided to say a prayer and ask the Lord to lead us to someone who is prepared for the Gospel. Literally the very next person we talked to (Who is also named Ismael funny enough) was super interested and receptive. he is a young italian guy and we taught him the restoration right there on the street. We even prayed with him on the street and fixed a follow up rendez-vous. 

God answers prayers. Clear and simple. Ask and ye shall recieve. I've seen that happen so many times on my mission. Its a miracle because I've spent hours and hours and hours finding without finding anyone interested. The fact that the right person can be put in our path in the right place at the right time is too much of a coincidence. I know God is in control of this work. 
Life is good. 
Again, I'm sad to be leaving Liège. I've made so many awesome friends here and have had so many cool experiences, but I am also excited for the future. Life is good as a missionary. I wouldn't trade my mission for anything else in the world. 
Have an awesome week,
Elder Davis

Here is my new address for all those letters and packages you were planning on sending me ;) 
152, rue Pelleport 75020 Paris

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